What Production Accountants Need in a Document Management System

Production Document management

Thinking of switching to a digital document management system? Make sure it comes with these critical features. An extra resource to go along with the original article – Paper: The Secret Enemy of Hollywood Accounting

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Paper: The Secret Enemy of Hollywood Accounting

Hollywood is notorious for generating an absurd amount of paper. Seriously, we’re drowning it. Like most industries that began before the digital era, we used paper because we had to. It was a natural function of business. There’s a lot to document on a film production and a lot of people who need to see it.

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4 Reasons You Don’t Want to Be a Production Accountant or Line Producer

Thinking about a career in production accounting? I’m not one to sugarcoat things. It can be a rewarding job, but it’s not a glamorous life of parties, red carpets, and flirting with actresses. Before you sell your car, move to Hollywood, and start working for free, let me illuminate the big reasons you don’t want to be a production accountant or line producer.

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Scanners That We Love and What they Should Come With

Scanners are indispensable in creating and filing digital copies of the documents we use in production. So, if you’re going to acquire a printer, you might as well go for one that makes your job easier and faster.

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