7,272 views Posted on September 12, 2019February 14, 2021 V-Blog: Infidelity Will Tell Your Partners That You Are A Sleaze Working in film production is non-stop entrepreneurship all the time. Cheating will tell your partners that you can't be trusted.…
4,326 views Posted on August 22, 2019February 14, 2021 V-Blog: Drug Abuse and Alcohol: The Best Things That Ever Happened to My Hollywood Career Working in film production is like drinking from a firehose. An addict, at some point, will create gaps for hardworking and ambitious…
8,002 views Posted on August 8, 2019February 14, 2021 V-Blog: The Truth About Casting: It Doesn’t Happen in a Hotel Room or Some Sleazy Producer’s House We have all heard about the "casting couch" and the alleged sleazy behavior of Harvey Weinstein. For years, it is alleged that…
3,212 views Posted on July 11, 2019July 16, 2019 Hollywood Can be a Swamp, But I Love It! There is no clear path to success in Hollywood and before you can make your dream job or project happen, the first…